Covid Black

…and that belief is -and was- reinforced, because

No one was looking for them

The victim was Black

-but any minority would have sufficed-

… and we all know what “they” are good for… am i right?

I do not care what the evidence, history, and common sense (might) suggest… i follow my heart and it says, “they” are only good for…

Well, i will not say what “they” are good for out loud as i am a god-fearing Christian… but you “know”

Besides, this is America and I stood my ground…

hell, everybody knows wherever WE stand,

wherever WE look towards,

wherever WE drive over to,

park and then jump out our vehicles with sirens blaring (Guns drawn like Cowboys in a Spaghetti Western) ” in order to stand on that ground…

is our ground  


Your Honorable -right-leaning- supreme court justices,

i stood my ground fearing from my life -as His, Her, Their (BLACK) life/LIVES never Mattered,

as is evidenced by the many that have been exonerated before this very moment- 

and shot him/ her/ them multiple times in order to defend myself.

In order to defend ourselves,

ya feel me?

Paid Suspension would be acceptable while you Decide…

on something more lenient.

#culturalappropriation2020 #reallife #thuglifeisdead

-and was-

reinforced, because

No one was looking for them

The victim was black